Vet Reveals How to Stop Your Cat Peeing Outside the Litter Box Forever!
Can't stop your cat peeing in the house? Then worry no more...
Dear Cat Owner,
A cat that pees in the house can make your home smell like a litter box.
It can be upsetting and stressful for you, and can become incredibly expensive if you're forced to continually clean carpets and floors, or replace furniture.
Many cat owners mistakenly believe that the problem will eventually go away... Others give up in frustration and are forced to give their cat away, or worse...
While others scream and shout at their feline friend, which only succeeds in creating an even more anxious and confused cat that's MORE LIKELY to pee and spray in inappropriate places.
If any of this sounds familiar to you, then don't worry...
Because whatever the reason for your cat's inappropriate peeing and spraying, I have a very simple solution...
What You'll Discover:
And say goodbye to inappropriate peeing and spraying FOREVER!
So, do you want to finally eradicate your cat's urination problem once and for all?
If so, then I can help!
Hi, my name's Sarah Richards, and this is my cat Timmy.
Today, Timmy is a happy, contented and well-trained cat who hasn't peed outside the litter box in 3 years.
I can leave my house for hours, and give him the run of every room with 100% confidence that he will NEVER pee anywhere other than his litter box.
But believe me, it wasn't always this way!
Well, let me tell you a quick story about how Timmy came into my life.
Since 2009 I've been working as a Veterinary Technician for the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).
imageMy job entails prepping animals for surgery and post-operative recovery, and as you can imagine, I've treated A LOT of sick, malnourished and mistreated animals during my time in the job.
Back in 2011, a colleague of mine brought in a skinny little tabby cat who had been found with 6 other cats in an empty house.
The owner's home had been foreclosed due to him losing his job and not being able to keep up the repayments.
But rather than take the cats with him or bring them to us, he'd decided to simply abandon them, and leave them all to fend for themselves
Eventually, the cats were discovered when the realtor entered the home, days after the owner had left.
He immediately called us to come and help. It was clear straightaway that the cats were fortunate to be still alive. They were suffering from severe malnutrition, and there was pee and poop all over the house.
I instantly fell in love with the smallest one. He was very unwell and close to death when he was rescued.
He was so sick that everyone thought it was unlikely that he would survive the night.
It seemed that everyone had given up on him but me.
But he was a fighter, and he made it through the night.
Not having a pet at the time, I asked that I be allowed to take him home, which my bosses allowed me to do once he was well enough.
So a few days later I took him home with me.
I called him Timmy.
But as I'm sure you can guess, Timmy's toilet habits proved a big problem for me!
Peeing Everywhere

He had been used to peeing wherever he wanted, and moving him to a new home resulted in some major anxiety issues - which made the problem even worse.
He would pee on the furniture, in the corner of the kitchen, on the bed, on my clothes - anywhere but the litter box, in fact!
I was constantly cleaning the house, wiping up pee, washing my clothes and buying new cushions and bed linen.
Whatever I did... and whatever tactics I tried... he just refused to pee in the litter box.
And it went on for months...
Until finally, the breakthrough happened!

I got chatting to a girl named Laura, one of our cat behaviour specialists at work, who gave me a really weird but unbelievably effective trick that she said would encourage Timmy to start peeing in the litter box.
And incredibly, it worked straight away!
imageI was amazed that something so simple had worked so well...
For the first time since I'd brought him home, he'd peed where he was supposed to!
It was a huge step forward - but it didn't solve the problem completely.
After that I spoke with Laura again who suggested some more techniques - which I put into action as soon as I returned home.
And this time, they solved the problem completely, by not only encouraging Timmy to pee in the litter box, but by discouraging him from peeing anywhere else.

After seeing how well it worked, I wanted to share the same techniques I used with others. So I wrote down everything I'd learned in a step-by-step, easy-to-follow guide, complete with illustrations!
And then I started handing out my guide to clients, friends and anyone else I knew who were experiencing similar problems with their cats - and all of them reported back to me with INCREDIBLE RESULTS!
In fact, the techniques revealed in my manual were 100% EFFECTIVE for every person who used them on their cats.
And after seeing just how successful my system was, I created this website so that I could start teaching these techniques to cat owners right across the world - hundreds and thousands of people just like you, who have all achieved amazing results for their cats.
Cat Spraying No More™
Our scientific-based method can finally solve your cat's litterbox problems once and for all! Additionally, cat parents are able to quickly implement our best practices as the information is easy to digest and follow.
Includes 4 Bonuses:

Everything you'll ever need to know to train your cat is included in this special comprehensive e-Book! Not only does it include timely tips and advice on understanding your cat, but also zeroes in on the reasons WHY your cat behaves the way it does.
In the Cat Training Bible, you will be shown how to correctly implement every cat training technique there is, including collar training, holiday training, cat-door training, preventing fighting and even training your cat to perform tricks. Discover how to get the perfect cat today, with the Cat Training Bible!

for a healthy cat
Are you a cat owner who loves to pamper your feline friend, give it the most fashionable collar, the best toys and the tastiest food? If so, this fantastic app shows you how to prepare tasty and healthy treats and meals for your cat, so you can give your finicky feline what it really wants - a home cooked meal!
This purr-fectly delightful collection of recipes features 101 tempting and tasty treats for your cat, including cat cookies, crispy trout, salmon pate, home-made kitty Yum-Yums, birthday treats, breakfast “Meowsli!” and much more. Mealtimes will never be the same again!

With the Cat Care Blueprint at your fingertips, you'll never need to worry about your cat again. This special e-Book is packed of great information on the best ways to care for your cat so it's happy, healthy and a joy to have in the house. You will be given expert advice and guidance on everything from visiting the vet, what you absolutely MUST know about vaccinations, how to groom your cat, give them the healthiest food, and so much more!

recorder software
Finally, I'm going to give you a quick and easy way to keep track of all your pet's most important medical and treatment records!
The Pet Medical Recorder will keep a record of things like vaccinations, worming and flea control, so you can see at a glance when the treatment needs repeating.It will also record details of any medicines that your pet needs to take, as well as general medical history, vet contact details, immunizations and health insurance details.

For 7 months my cat Oscar had been peeing all over the house - on the kitchen floor, outside the front door, at the top of the stairs and on the bed!
It was very stressful time and incredibly time-consuming to have to keep cleaning it up day in day out. I honestly didn’t think I’d ever be able to stop him doing it.
I found this program through Google and thought I’d give it a try. I’m so glad I did! This program is so simple yet so effective. Oscar hasn’t peed anywhere but the litter tray in 4 weeks now!
Anna Olson
Tampa, Florida

Last year my beautiful Manx cat Theodore went out for the evening and never came back. I love cats and the house didn’t feel the same without one, so I picked up Lola from a rescue center.
She was very frightened and would pee all over the house. I found Cat Spraying No More™ on the internet and the techniques worked almost immediately. I haven’t had a problem with Lola since. Amazing!
Paul Deleon
Sydney, Australia

I convinced my boyfriend to get a cat last year and promised that I would look after him. I had no idea he would be such a handful.
We followed all the advice and I read every book I could find on cat training and behavior, but he peed everywhere but the litter tray. It caused a lot of problems between me and my boyfriend! Sarah, I honestly think your program has saved our relationship!